From December 6, 2018 to March 5, 2019

Wine studio, Stabu Street 30, Riga

“I once read how trees help each other. Their roots are so closely connected that one tree can share with the other, giving what it needs. It is so beautiful and so miraculous, and at the same time it is a world that exists right next to us, but in the rush of everyday life, gliding over its surface, we don’t even notice it. Although we are actually a part of it. I have always been drawn to this world “under the skin;” the one that Jules Verne’s characters in the book “Journey to the Center of the Earth” were also looking for, and along which Alice wandered through the Looking Glass.

Looking for a way to yourself. I’m trying to get closer to it – step by step, unraveling like a network of capillaries of the universe in a pebble smoothed by centuries on the seashore. And I am grateful that I am allowed to see it. It is a miracle and the greatest gift at the same time!” Elita Patmalniece says about the concept of the exhibition.

text jauns.lv

jauns.lv exhibition photos