From 21. june mobile exhibition “The Art of Caring” can be viewed in the urban area of Riga. Its platform is not environmental stands or shop windows, but four environmentally friendly garbage collection trucks from the company Clean R. They were painted by four popular artists in Latvia – Helēna Heinrihsone, Elita Patmalniece, Kristīne Luīze Avotiņa and Aleksejs Naumovs. The purpose of the exhibition is to draw attention to greener thinking with the power of art and colors.
In the streets of Riga and its surroundings, residents will see a colorful traveling exhibition on a daily basis – the works of four outstanding Latvian artists on four new environmentally friendly garbage trucks. Thus, the environmental services company “Clean R” implements the art project “The Art of Caring”.
“It’s great, and when we drove from the base to the park now, people were looking and smiling, and we were very happy too,” noted artist Helēna Heinrihsone.
“It is such a modern way to educate the public about all this waste collection, ecological machines and plus painting,” emphasized artist Kristīne Luīze Avotiņa.
With this environmental art project, the public is encouraged to think about a greener country and improve their waste generation and sorting habits.
Guntars Levits, a member of the board of SIA “Clean R”, explained: “Everything is organized with the main idea – to draw attention to the problems of waste management, and, of course, to somehow bring art to the streets when art has been stuck in museums for a whole year. Two birds with one stone.”
The Minister of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Artūrs Toms Pleš (“Attīstībai/Par!”), also emphasized the importance of the problem: “Its reality is harsh, in 2017 an extensive study was conducted in 2010, which showed the situation in Latvia and a forecast of how it would develop in the future – if we farm and live as we have been used to until now, in the year 2100. the average air temperature in Latvia could increase by up to 5.5 degrees Celsius. [..] What is important is, on the one hand, to adapt to the changing weather by arranging our living environment, and on the other hand, we must be clearly aware that if we do not change our habits, we will not reduce emissions, the future can be very problematic for us, both for us and for our for children. [..]
The introduction of such machines is a very important step in the direction of reducing emissions, because the 11 machines that “Clean R” will put on the streets of Riga, which are equipped with compressed natural gas, help to reduce emissions by 20-25%. […] For us to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. year, there will not be one silver bullet, one solution; such different types of solutions in the transport sector, also in the waste management sector, as well as in increasing the energy efficiency of houses, also in agriculture, are important.” raksts/maksla/ar-makslu-par-zalaku-domasanu–izstade-uz-atkritumu-masinam-maksla-rupeties.a410026/